A brand for better living.
Intro Insight Idea Impact
Manageable, comprehensible complexities.

inspire* is a real estate developer that navigates cities with inner-city complexities making its challenges manageable and comprehensible. Not by simplifying things, but by accurate analysis. Its specialties: transformations of buildings and making them sustainable.

2022-2023 Brand strategy - Identity design

Above and beyond
Project developers are in a unique position to make a difference. To really get things moving in the right direction. Make no mistake, inner-city challenges are complex and take a huge amount of responsibility. Something inspire* does not shy away from. They believe buildings can change the way the world looks, behaves and is perceived. Although their contribution might be modest, they go above and beyond, for a better tomorrow.

Invent the future
Spaces grow through stories and inspire* controls the narrative. Good developers predict and great developers invent. That’s why we used the ‘eureka’ moment as an inspirational metaphor for ideas. The ‘i’ of inspire* is the building block for the spark in the identity. In superscript being part of the full logo and as a standalone isotype animated for digital applications. The colour pallet is kept simple. White, black and silver complement the logo and give it a futuristic and inventive feel.

Office for mission & vision, look & feel.


We are Containr Affairs, an office for mission & vision, look & feel. Our team of creatives think, make and build for bright entrepreneurs and marketing executives who want to take the lead and change the face of the boardroom. Whatever position your brand is currently in, we help you identify where to go next.

Acclaimed for three practice areas, we work as follows:

Compass. We start by researching cultural shifts that map out the universe your business plays in and how this affects your actions. We connect with your ambitions through conversation before (re)shaping your brand fundamentals, which will lead to clarity, underline culture and foster your ambitions.

Creation. Your brand is a sum of all parts. How it looks and feels. How it talks and sounds, and how it tastes and smells. In this phase we bring fundamentals to life and create you a proper stage performance. Our studio executes creativity without boundaries, to make sure your story is admired on paper, on screen and in-store.

Content. For brands who need to stay relevant on a daily basis, our studio offers high quality and fast production of brand journalism, imagery and graphic design across all channels.

Since 2001 we have delivered results for bars, bodegas and boutique hotels, beer, booze and beverage brands, buildings and building companies, beauty brands and bespoke perfume houses. With most of our clients we have built lasting relationships. Others even became partners in business.

Talk to us about your next move.


Brand creation · Brand transformation · Brand strategy · Brand naming · Storytelling · Identity design · Graphic design · Campaigning · Brand activation · Packaging · Digital design · Brand journalism · Branding · Concepting · Imagery production · Spatial design · Web development

New business

Partnership for us starts with understanding each other and having conversations. We listen to clients' needs, asking questions about their ambitions and understanding where they want to go so we can create an informed approach.
Get in touch to discover where to go next

+31 10 42 54 997

studio containr affairs

Contaínr Affaìrs


Goudsesingel 208
3011 KD Rotterdam
The Netherlands


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